Monday, April 6, 2009

London Part 1

The weekend of the 28th-29th (my sister's birthday weekend... Happy Birthday!) I went to London. Let's just say that having to catch a train at 5am after a night out on the town might not be the best way to go about things! I woke up after only 1 hour of sleep and realized I missed the first train. I scrambled to brush my teeth and run to the station to catch the next one. In doing so, I forgot to bring my other pair of shoes (that actual has a rubber sole). As a result I walked around London in dress loafers. Not fun.We did the obligatory tourist stuff like Buckingham Palace, Big Ben and Parliament Building, Picadilly Circus, and Starbucks. I was a bit hung over and did not eat much or drink much water. It finally caught up to me at about 3pm. I went to the hotel to take a nap. When I woke up I had a splitting headache. I ran to the local pharmacy, grabbed some pain killers and passed out again. This time I woke up at midnight ready to go. Problem was my friend had already turned in for the night and I wasn't familiar with the area or when the Tube stopped so I decided to call it a night and wake up early.

Phone Booth Picture

Big Ben and the Parlimentary Funk

Buckingham Palace - God Save the Queen
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