Saturday, May 2, 2009

Easter - Barcelona

I love the holidays here. They sure know how to do it. Why take 1 day off for Easter when you can take 2. Not only do they have off on Good Friday (Karfreitag) but they also take off on Easter Monday (Ostermontag). So because of that, I took vacation time the rest of the week. Thus, I was off for 10 days and only took 4 days of vacation (2 weekends + 2 holidays + 4 vacation days).

Christopher Columbus
Some of my colleagues (3 from Japan, 1 from Taiwan, 1 American) and I decided to go to Barcelona, Spain. Being slightly insane, I decided to go to Italy that week as well. Most of the group arrived on Saturday, but I got there on Friday since I found a cheaper flight.

I got to the hotel at about 7-8 pm on Friday night. I went to a tapas bar and ate dinner like a local, at 11 o'clock. While sitting at the tapas bar, a few Americans (from California) sat down next to me. We start talking and the next thing I know we are at a huge nightclub called Razzmatazz. I didn't get back to the hotel until 6am. It was definitely a fun night.

Next day the Japanese and the American show up. Since they didn't arrive until later in the day, I decided to walk the area near the waterfront and "make photo party". That was nice, but I was fairly tired. My first day in Barcelona was so-so. It was rainy and sunny, then rain, then sun.

We decided to rent an apartment, the problem was there was not heat or hot water. The first 24 hours were miserable. We were finally able to get a hold of the landlord and figure out how to get the boiler working. We were much happier people after that.

The entire trip we were battling the weather. It was either sunny and 70 degrees (20 deg C) or 60s and raining. Either way we had a good time. The highpoint might have been making home-made Sangria. It was really good if I do say so myself. Oh yea, we also went to the Picasso museum, Sagrada La Familia, Gaudi buildings (2x), Park Guell (designed by Gaudi), the Olympic stadiums, FC Barcelona Stadium, and the multi-colored building shaped like a phallus -- all the while taking more pictures than my memory card could handle.

La Sagrada Familia

Gaudi Building

Gaudi Lizard in Park Guell

Imprint near Olympic Stadiums

Being Cool

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