Sunday, May 24, 2009


I had extremely poor wireless Internet the last week I was in Germany (while I was staying in a hotel). That's the reason why the last few posts did not have any pictures associated with them. I will be going back and added pics when I can.

The last two weeks were full of meetings. I got some seat time in the new ML hybrid. I drove mostly on the Autobahn for about 30 minutes. Smooth ride and the fuel economy was slightly better than a regular ML350. It's hard to give a fair assessment since this was extremely pre-production.

I finally came home on Saturday, the 9th. The next day was Mother's Day. My grandmother came up and I took her and my mom for brunch. The weekend went well. I went back to work on Tuesday. Things definitely started back up fast. It's always good to be needed, especially in this industry and at this time.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Easter - Italy

I spent Good Friday until Wednesday in Barcelona. I then flew from Barcelona to Florence. I got a chance to meet up with my uncle, as some of his friends, in Florence. He arrived in Italy about a week earlier and was traveling throughout the country for a month. It was cool since he lives in California and I don't get a chance to see him that often. It has been about 2 years since I had seen him. I got to see the Uffizi (Birth of Venus painting), Accadamia (Statue of David), Duomo, and the Ponte Vecchio. The views from the top of the bell tower (the line for the top of the Duomo was too long) was spectacular. 360 degree view of Florence and its surrounding was something special. Things would not have been complete if I didn't sample the world famous Gelatto and bought 2 bottles of wine (oddly enough from the same woman I bought a bottle from about 2 years ago).

Statue of David

Ponte Vecchio

On Saturday morning I boarded a plane headed for Rome. I told you I was a bit insane. First thing I did was go to the Colosseum. I've been kicking myself for the last 2 years because I was shut out the last time I was in Rome. The weather held out long enough so that it didn't rain on me until nighttime. I was able to spend a few hours at the Colosseum and take pictures. I then made the trek to the Pantheon, Trevi Fountain (where it decided to rain for about 10 minutes), and then the Spanish Steps. Of course I threw three coins into the Trevi Fountain (over the left shoulder with the right hand) so I guaranteed I will be returning to Rome.

The Colosseum


Trevi Fountain

That night I decided to treat myself to a proper Italian dinner. I went to a fantastic home-style Italian restaurant called Checchino dal 1887. Antipasti, primo, and secondo. I had Antipast with champagne, pasta, and then Veal Saltimbocca with a glass of Brunello di Montalcino (red wine) and finished it all off with an espresso. It cost be 60 Euro (about 80 USD) which is easily the most I have spent on myself at a single meal. It was well worth it. Every bite was extraordinary and I will definitely go back the next time I am in Rome.

The view from the top

Sunday I went over to the Vatican. Though the Vatican Museum and the Sistine Chapel were closed, I got to see St. Peter's Basilica. I had a chance to attend mass but opted out of it feeling that it would be kind of hypocritical at this point. The Pope was not conducting the mass, otherwise I don't think I would have passed on the opportunity. Instead I braved the stairs (choosing not to take the elevator) to see the magnificent view from the top of the dome (cupola). After leaving the Vatican it began to rain, and did not stop until I got on the train to go to the airport! I was soaking wet by that time and was exhausted. I had a really late flight out of Rome, with a stop-over in Zurich, and finally arrived at 11:30pm in Stuttgart. Let's just say the next morning, it was not easy getting up to go to the office.

Easter - Barcelona

I love the holidays here. They sure know how to do it. Why take 1 day off for Easter when you can take 2. Not only do they have off on Good Friday (Karfreitag) but they also take off on Easter Monday (Ostermontag). So because of that, I took vacation time the rest of the week. Thus, I was off for 10 days and only took 4 days of vacation (2 weekends + 2 holidays + 4 vacation days).

Christopher Columbus
Some of my colleagues (3 from Japan, 1 from Taiwan, 1 American) and I decided to go to Barcelona, Spain. Being slightly insane, I decided to go to Italy that week as well. Most of the group arrived on Saturday, but I got there on Friday since I found a cheaper flight.

I got to the hotel at about 7-8 pm on Friday night. I went to a tapas bar and ate dinner like a local, at 11 o'clock. While sitting at the tapas bar, a few Americans (from California) sat down next to me. We start talking and the next thing I know we are at a huge nightclub called Razzmatazz. I didn't get back to the hotel until 6am. It was definitely a fun night.

Next day the Japanese and the American show up. Since they didn't arrive until later in the day, I decided to walk the area near the waterfront and "make photo party". That was nice, but I was fairly tired. My first day in Barcelona was so-so. It was rainy and sunny, then rain, then sun.

We decided to rent an apartment, the problem was there was not heat or hot water. The first 24 hours were miserable. We were finally able to get a hold of the landlord and figure out how to get the boiler working. We were much happier people after that.

The entire trip we were battling the weather. It was either sunny and 70 degrees (20 deg C) or 60s and raining. Either way we had a good time. The highpoint might have been making home-made Sangria. It was really good if I do say so myself. Oh yea, we also went to the Picasso museum, Sagrada La Familia, Gaudi buildings (2x), Park Guell (designed by Gaudi), the Olympic stadiums, FC Barcelona Stadium, and the multi-colored building shaped like a phallus -- all the while taking more pictures than my memory card could handle.

La Sagrada Familia

Gaudi Building

Gaudi Lizard in Park Guell

Imprint near Olympic Stadiums

Being Cool

Mercedes Museum

With less than a month left in Germany I finally made my way over to the Benz Museum. It's kinda disgraceful since I was at the Porsche Museum the first week or so I was in town -- but I was saving the best for last!

I had only been to the Benz Museum once before, but it was only for 1 hour about 1.5 years ago. It was during my assessment center (German version of an interview, only it lasts 1 week and is like being put through a gauntlet). So this time I had a chance to take my time and "make photo party".

I do have to say, my favorite MB car has to be the 300 SL Gullwing with silver exterior and red interior. There is something about it that screams classy, elegant, and sexy.

300 SL Gullwing

Hohenzollern Castle

Okay, so I have been really busy this past month. This will be the first of a series of posts.

So I stayed in Stuttgart the first weekend of April and Belinda dragged me to Hohenzollern Castle (about 1 hour south of Stuttgart). I do not know what the fascination is with castles. I am not a big fan. We only spent about 15 minutes at the castle -- which was nothing considering it took us 20 minutes to hike up a steep hill just to get there.

At the Castle

Belinda's boot

That night I actually had a date, with a German girl that I met at a club a week or so earlier. It went well, typical first date stuff -- dinner, etc. We plan to meet up again but we shall see.

Monday, April 6, 2009

London Part 2

When I woke up the next day, I walked Kensington Gardens and Hyde Park (including the Marble Arch). I then met up with my friend. We went to the British Museum where we checked out a bunch of stuff -- most notably the Rosetta Stone. We then went to London Tower, London Bridge, Tower Bridge, Trafalgar Square, and the London Eye (but did not have time to go into the London Tower nor the Eye). And as every first time Londoner, I got fish and chips!

Next time I'd love to go with someone who has been there before and not do all the tourist stuff. Hanging out with the locals at the pubs and seeing the non-tourist parts of the city would be nice.

Marble Arch

Rosetta Stone

Tower Bridge
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London Part 1

The weekend of the 28th-29th (my sister's birthday weekend... Happy Birthday!) I went to London. Let's just say that having to catch a train at 5am after a night out on the town might not be the best way to go about things! I woke up after only 1 hour of sleep and realized I missed the first train. I scrambled to brush my teeth and run to the station to catch the next one. In doing so, I forgot to bring my other pair of shoes (that actual has a rubber sole). As a result I walked around London in dress loafers. Not fun.We did the obligatory tourist stuff like Buckingham Palace, Big Ben and Parliament Building, Picadilly Circus, and Starbucks. I was a bit hung over and did not eat much or drink much water. It finally caught up to me at about 3pm. I went to the hotel to take a nap. When I woke up I had a splitting headache. I ran to the local pharmacy, grabbed some pain killers and passed out again. This time I woke up at midnight ready to go. Problem was my friend had already turned in for the night and I wasn't familiar with the area or when the Tube stopped so I decided to call it a night and wake up early.

Phone Booth Picture

Big Ben and the Parlimentary Funk

Buckingham Palace - God Save the Queen
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